I cannot get answer from support


I have tried to contact few days accounts and support of shotgun, but haven't got any answer.  We have on going projects on shotgun and we'd need answer as soon as possible, but how it can be this slow.... As we are working with clients this costs money to us.

Please support can you reply a bit faster, it's been 4 days now.






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    Teemu Virta (Roger! Pictures)

    Please answer to teemu@rogerpictures.com

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    Brandon Foster

    Hi Teemu,

    Thanks for your post, and I apologize you haven't been getting a prompt reply. I'm not seeing any support tickets in our system from the teemu@rogerpictures.com address, do you have a Zendesk ticket number? In what way did you reach out to support? You can either write an email directly to support@shotgunsoftware.com or via this web form.

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    Teemu Virta (Roger! Pictures)


    Thanks for anwering. I don't have any ticket. I have wrote multiple times on accounts as our account seems to bee on "iced". I would like to update the paying method, but haven't got any answer on that.


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    Teemu Virta (Roger! Pictures)

    And as this is urgent for us I have wrote to accounts@shotgunsoftware.com many times and also added support (support@shotgunsoftware.com) as cc in last email, which was sent 12 hours ago. But hasn't answered...



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    Teemu Virta (Roger! Pictures)

    It's seems to work as support unlocked it. Still waiting answer answer from account to sold this.

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    Brandon Foster

    Hi Teemu,

    I'll continue to work with you on this via the support ticket.

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    Jieren Zhang

    I can't get the email too, is this happened to many people?

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    Brandon Foster

    Hi Jieren,

    Let me know from which email address are you not getting a response and I can follow up for you. I see you wrote into the support line on Saturday and one of our members responded first thing Monday morning. Is this the request you were referring to?

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