Customizing RV for a multi-projector display

I want to display stereoscopic movies on an 8-projector display screen using RV. In doing so, I want to split frames being read from storage into 8 segments, apply geometric transforms to them, and then have each transformed segment displayed by its projector. I would like to know if RV can be customized this way, and if so, kindly refer me to example scripts or sections of a documentation that would guide me through the process.  


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    (Michael) Kessler

    Hi Gerald,


    Thanks for asking!

    While RV isn't supporting that out of the box, some of that might be possible.  The transformations you are talking about, if they can be described by a GLSL filter shader, then they could be created.  Currently RV ships with a filter that does camera transformations from a LatLong encoded image; that might serve as good inspiration for building those shaders.

    As far as multiple outputs, RV only supports a single output, but depending on the resolution of your projectors, you may be able to make use of 4k formats through SDI.  On SDI, if you use 1.5G with 4k, it splits the image into 4x 2k images.

    Getting up to 8 outputs, however, is something I don't have a solution for using RV, especially given that you need them to be stereo images.  RV does not talk to multiple video out devices at once, so any output you'd need to be able to pack into a single signal.  Addtiionally, 8 images (I'm assuming 2k projectors, but that wasn't specified) at stereo (so basically 16x 2k) is a lot of pixel data.  I don't really have a solution to push that much data for you; and is certainly far beyond anything we've tested internally.



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    Gerald Kio

    Thank you for your reply. What if each computer in an eight-projector cluster has RV installed. Can they all be configured to give a synchronized playback?

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    (Michael) Kessler

    Hi Gerald,


    While you can get close with network syncing, there's no way with RV to get multiple machines to have time-syncing; so you'll have eyes have slight offsets in time as you play back.

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