Hi again,
Do you know if it is possible to remove/hide a menu entry from the main menu bar in RV without having the MinorMode associated deactivated ?
To clarify, and related to my other post, I have a MinorMode that opens a widget, that I'd like to keep activated at all time. And when the widget goes shown, it would put its menu in the main menu bar, but when hidden the menu would be hidden as well from the main menu bar.
I tried the defineModeMenu("myMode", nil) method in my overridden deactivate() method but the custom menu stays in the main menu bar. Same with the setMenu().
I've seen there's a function buildMainMenu() in rvui, that maybe would be a hint to force the redraw of the main menu without my custom one, but to keep the other custom menus, I have to give them as args to this function and I have no idea how to get those.
Any idea ?
Thank you!