Review Notes App - Need Ability to Manage Saved Layouts

The Review Notes App is close to the heart of anyone who takes notes; but providing an easy way to provide any level of housekeeping is not trivial when it comes to the matter of managing (deleting) custom layouts in an educated way (eg audit fields).

Please consider providing a list page view (or something) which would allow us to easily see, manage, trim the Saved Layouts.

Thank you!


  • 0
    Laura Aldridge

    Might be helpful to be able to organize them into folders too? Similar to saved pages?


    But agree, with every user creating a saved layout and often a new one every show, these can get out of hand fast.

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    Beth Dewhirst

    Also, there is a suggestion to have Permissions accessible on "Saved Layouts" to edit who can See/Edit/Create/Retire this "entity" in the Review Notes App, similar to other entity permissions.

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