Can I download published files instead?

I see the actions that I can open a file with a associated application. Can I download the published file itself rather than import or open in a application?

For example, let say there is a maya ascii file. I want to download the file and manipulate the file with text editor and open it from my local drive. Can I do it?





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    Brandon Foster

    Hi Hyunseok,

    Thanks for your question! Published Files typically point to a work file on a local storage location. Files like a Maya Ascii or PSD file are not uploaded to Shotgun, so they in turn can't be downloaded. You can read a little bit more about Published Files here:


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    Hyunseok Ryu

    Hi Brandon,

    Thank you for a quick reply. However, the case is that the files are published or uploaded in the cloud by someone else. I see that "open in Associated Application" action. I would like to download the file itself without launching any application. Can I do that?




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    Brandon Foster

    Hi Hyunseok,

    Shotgun isn't meant to act as the source repository, so it's unusual to hear that your users are uploading work files to Shotgun directly. Could you open a support ticket at support@shotgunsoftware.com along with some further info (the site you're working on, and the specific sort of workflow you're trying to achieve) and we can further advise.

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    Hyunseok Ryu

    Thank you for the answer again. I am new to Shotgun and learning what are available and what are not. I am trying get most out of Shotgun. 

    I was thinking that I may use Shotgun as "the source repository" for relatively small size files with comments and history. So your answer, that it isn't meant to be the repository, explains a lot to me. 




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