rv -pyeval "rv.commands.setRemoteLocalContactName('myFancyContactName')"
This is crashing rv. Is there a better way to change the contact name when starting rv? Setting it once the player is open is also crashing rv.
rv -pyeval "rv.commands.setRemoteLocalContactName('myFancyContactName')"
This is crashing rv. Is there a better way to change the contact name when starting rv? Setting it once the player is open is also crashing rv.
Hi Matt,
It appears there is a bug relating to the return value being sent back to Python; I've written that bug up to be investigated, but meanwhile, you can do something equivalent to this:
use commands;
1; // The return we get back from the prior command is angry at Python; bug report made.
""" % name, [])
This can be called using -sendEvent to run a package. I've put together a package here: https://myshare.autodesk.com/:f:/g/personal/michael_kessler_autodesk_com/Ejg7cl070QBMgOEuwhJuNmMBzg_w2L6_l3KpVqH8zk8Emg?e=Ucs0fo
You can use that package with the following command line:
rv -sendEvent set-remote-name "my-custom-name"
Thanks the runtime.eval is working when I pass it to -pyeval. The package only worked once I removed the PySide import.
Thanks; not sure why the PySide import would cause it to fail unless you've got a conflicting PySide in your Environment; though it was an unnecessary add that wasn't removed after trying some alternate workarounds.