AttributeError - Publishing Cameras Maya 2018

I've been following along the Maya pipeline tutorial here:


Everything else has worked perfectly, but when trying to publish the camera, I get the following error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "Z:\pipeline\shotgun\project_configs\testing_project_config\install\app_store\tk-multi-publish2\v2.1.6\python\tk_multi_publish2\processing\plugin.py", line 393, in _handle_plugin_error
  File "Z:\pipeline\shotgun\project_configs\testing_project_config\install\app_store\tk-multi-publish2\v2.1.6\python\tk_multi_publish2\processing\plugin.py", line 375, in run_finalize
    self._hook_instance.finalize(settings, item)
  File "Z:\pipeline\shotgun\project_configs\testing_project_config\install\app_store\tk-multi-publish2\v2.1.6\hooks\publish_file.py", line 419, in finalize
    publish_data = item.properties.sg_publish_data
AttributeError: '_ItemProperties' object has no attribute 'sg_publish_data'

Has anyone seen this before/have a solution for this?

I've double checked and I am doing everything the tutorial says.

1 comment

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    Josh Tomlinson Official comment

    Hi Samuel!

    This generally happens when the publish logic fails to run and that key is not set on the item properties. One common reason for this is that the call to `super` is missing in the `publish` method of the subclass. See here.

    It might also be the case that the hook inheritances isn't specified correctly in the configuration. Double check the configuration specified here.

    If you're still having issues, feel free to drop an email to support@shotgunsoftware.com to get a support thread going. Feel free to mention this post and my name so that it can come straight to me. 

    Hope that helps!

    -Josh T.

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