referencing float arrays in glsl

I am new to RV development, and have run into a roadblock. I would like to write a custom glsl shader that uses a float array as a parameter. According to the documentation this can be achieved with samplers. There doesn't seem to be any concrete examples of how to do this in code. I have seen two posts on this forum asking the same question, but neither provide an explanation. 

I can define float array parameters in the GTO file like this

float[5] dim_one = [ [1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 ] ] 


float [2][3] dim_two = [ [1.0 2.0 3.0] [4.0 5.0 6.0] ]

but I cannot for the life of me figure out how to reference this in the shader. I have tried

vec4 main (const in inputImage img, const in sampler1D dim_one) 
vec4 main (const in inputImage img, const in sampler2D dim_two)
vec4 main (const in inputImage img, const in float[5] dim_one)
vec4 main (const in inputImage img, const in float[2][3] dim_two)
vec4 main (const in inputImage img, const in float dim_one[5])
vec4 main (const in inputImage img, const in float dim_two[2][3])

 All of these fail


I am also not sure the correct way to set these values via python. I assume that you use "commands.setFloatProperty", though I am not sure of the proper syntax.


Any help would be much appreciated!





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