After setting up a toolkit project the Qt5 module @ /config/install/core/python/tank/platform/qt5 was not populated. How can I populate this module with the necessary module files?
This is in windows using the unreal integration config:
After setting up a toolkit project the Qt5 module @ /config/install/core/python/tank/platform/qt5 was not populated. How can I populate this module with the necessary module files?
This is in windows using the unreal integration config:
Hi Clayton! What are you seeing in that directory? It should look like this:
That module is our compatibility layer that lets Qt4 code run in a Qt5 environment.
Are there errors that you are seeing when trying to run the integration?
Ya the __init__.py file is in the directory, It seems to indicate that it should be populated with the qt5 stuff at some point during initialization.
The tk-unreal engine script attempts to include QtWidgets from the sgtk.platform.qt5 module which doesn't exist which results in an import error. I am able to import the sgtk.platform.qt5 module itself but since it is just an empty init QtWidgets etc cannot be used.
Gotcha. That module would be populated when PySide/PySide2 is found while tk-unreal is initializing. Are you running the tk-config-unreal with any modifications? PySide2 should be available via the tk-framework-unrealqt framework which is setup here in the config:
If that framework wasn't available for some reason I think the result would be what you are seeing. If that still doesn't seem to be the case, can you open a ticket with us at support@shotgunsoftware.com and send on your log file (doc on how to find them is here)?
I have not made any modifications to the config. The PySide2 module exists in the tk-framework-unrealqt install directory and I can see from the logs that it attempts to import it during the tk-unreal initialization, but then fails to find Qt4-like or Qt5-like interfaces.
I will open a ticket and attach the logs.
Ok I think I have figured this one out. Looks like it was a permissions issue.
We recently changed the server that these files are located on. Part of this was resetting the permissions on every file to 666. I changed the permissions on all .py and .dll files in the install dir to allow execution and now things seem to be working.
Thanks for the help!
Awesome. Glad you solved it and thanks for letting us know what the issue was!