When I look at .exr files in RV they do strange things - display upside down, slide up and/or down throughout the sequence, etc. Is there a work-around?
(Michael) Kessler Hi John,
I'm sorry you are encountering issues with your EXRs.
The sliding you are describing might be caused by varying display windows, you can change the default EXR reader settings by going to RV's Preferences and then going to the Formats tab.
At the top of the formats tab, you can see an option for determining the Read Window and Display Window.
A description of what is going on there can be found under the Data/Display Window Handling here: http://www.tweaksoftware.com/static/documentation/rv/current/html/rv_manual.html#File_Formats_Image_File_Formats_OpenEXR
Can you try changing your EXR settings to `Read Window is Display Window` and changing your read window to the Data Window (if that is what is constant in your EXRs).
Once you do that; try re-loading your EXRs and see if you get the result you expect.
john patterson Awesome thanks! Seems to work.
(Michael) Kessler Excellent! Have a great week!