Removing 'more' drop-down on pages at initial load

Hi everybody, 

I'd love to post a topic here to gain consensus on whether this would be supported as a modification to an existing Shotgun feature. 

When creating pages that have multiple tabs, I'd love the choice to remove the 'more' option as a drop-down so that we can easily see all tabs created on the page from initial load. 

The idea is prompted by the potential benefit Production teams (and in particular Supervisors) would have from being able to host (at least) the amount of visible tabs in the VFX Pipeline on the main tab. This is tricky and will be absolutely subjective to the projects and project management, but I've mocked up something I'd love to see implemented below. 
I do agree that we need to keep page formatting in mind, and support a nicely formatted and clean layout, but do think we have more wiggle-room to explore in the current layout. 

Thank you!


  • 4
    Blaze Wallber

    Would really like to see this in our facility! When I build pages for other users they often miss items located under the 'more' tab.

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    Rebecca Mercurio

    I would have to agree! This would be useful for sure. 

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    Heather Dinkins

    yes, this would definitely be useful to have as an option to enable/disable, but not as a default behavior.  it can make the pages too busy if someone gets carried away.  maybe the ability to show "X" instead?

  • 1
    Geoff Anderson

    This makes sense to me - and would benefit from this on every show.  Good idea.  Shotgun, please make this change!


  • 1
    Woojo Jeon

    A feature that is absolutely needed for artists who are not quite familiar with SG!

  • 1
    Danielle Mahaffey

    I agree! We use custom pages for our director and supervisor as well with multiple tabs and having ALL the tabs viasble would actually be a big help. 

  • 0

    Guys, the OP is proposing to REMOVE "More" per the headline.

    I agree with Heather, above. This is NOT a good idea as the default setting.

    You should have to actively remove "More" - i.e. you need better reasons to take it away than to add it in.

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    Blaze Wallber

    Hi parseyvfx,

    "When creating pages that have multiple tabs, I'd love the choice to remove the 'more' option as a drop-down so that we can easily see all tabs created on the page from initial load."

    The OP has requested an option to remove the more tab. This would not be a default change. Simply allow users the options to build pages with all the tabs listed along the top rather than automatically hiding some of them under 'more'.

    Hope this makes more sense!


  • 0

    Then I think you're referring to tabs like "Other" (Green) rather than "More" (Red).

    I've never built a page with so many sub tabs (blue) that I have gotten to "More"/"Other" in the second line, but I could see how that would get annoying and things would get missed, if that's the area you're talking about.


  • 1
    Kate Kazokas


    ParsleyVFX, the 'more' button you reference does not give you options for viewing page tabs. Unfortunately, you won't be able to reference my mock-up either as I've purposely removed the 'more' button from the proposed new layout. 

    Attaching current live layout of Shotgun to reference the 'more' button which hosts a drop-down of additional (hidden) page tabs.

    Thank you, 

  • 0

    Thanks for clearing that up, Kate. Showing this image that makes your dilemma much easier to see.

  • 0
    Kate Kazokas

    No worries, happy to clarify! 

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