Frame up on the display window and mask the rest?

I'm very new to RV and Shotgun. I have some .exr files with extra pixels padded around my frame.. I'd like rv to automatically frame up on crop region within the exr.  What's the best option?  So far I've tried using the -crop on the command line but that didn't seem to do anything.  I've also looked at the python api but still wrapping my head around that.  There's also the displaywindow, I adjusted the exr metadata in Nuke but that didn't seem to have an affect.  Another option would be to draw an overlay mask to black out the extra pixels. Ideally I can frame up horizontally on the displaywindow and draw an overlay to letterbox it vertically.

What's the right way to do this? Is it possible?

I'm using RV as downloaded though shotgun on a Mac.  I don't seem to have the rv command but instead tried running the -crop flag like:

open /Applications/RV64.app --args image.1064.exr -crop 10 10 500 500




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    (Michael) Kessler

    Hi Daniel,


    Thanks for writing in!  Using open with --args is a great method, you can also point directly at the binary at


    If you want all the RV bundled commands (we have a few utilities that come with RV) you can add that folder to your $PATH.

    export PATH=$PATH:/Applications/RV64.app/Contents/MacOS

    rv solid,start=1,end=100,fps=24,width=1920,height=1080.movieproc

    As far as the -crop command goes, it is a source-specific argument so it needs to be grouped with the source you are loading.  Source specific args are wrapped with the source they modify with square brackets ( [ and ] ).  You can accomplish what you were trying to run with:

    open /Applications/RV64.app --args [ image.1064.exr -crop 10 10 500 500 ]

    Let me know if that helps!



  • 0
    Daniel Kramer

    Thanks Kessler.  Yes that's helpful, the crop is working! 

    I did try running RV64 directly but was getting license errors, yet it worked fine with the "open" command.  Installing on my home mac I am able to run RV64 directly without an issue (and your path command is helpful).  I'll try re-installing on my work computer.

    Is there an alternate solution to load the entire image yet mask the unwanted pixels in the padded area, ideally with the ability to turn the mask on and off interactively. Since there's padding right and left I'd also need to frame up to the extraction width, not the entire image width. It looks like I may be able to draw an overlay with a python script.  

    I suppose I could create a mask image and layer that over for the masking part





  • 0
    Daniel Kramer

    Since writing this I did find this article which describes how to build overlays.  I've modified it to start building rects instead of text to build my mask.  I think it will work well though I find the Normalized Coordinates with 0,0 at the center of the image a bit odd.


    After that I'll look into fitting the image to a specified rect to frame up on the image extraction


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    (Michael) Kessler

    Yeah; the normalized coordinates take a bit of mental gymastics, but ultimately provide the most flexibility for resolution agnostisity.  The origin is arbitrary but useful given that *most* formats consider the center of frame to be special (though, don't get me started on non-centered film formats :-P).

    The normalization on the vertical is useful because for anamorphic distortion, we modify the width by expanding pixels to maintain the highest fidelity; but beyond that, it could be either, as long as all computation is consistent.


    While creating your own overlay is ultimately what is done, you can also find that there is a `Custom Mattes Example` that builds these from a definition file.  This is mostly an example package, but fully functional.


    Check it out (it ships with RV, just not loaded).

  • 0
    Daniel Kramer

    Ah, didn't find that before.  I'll take a look, thanks for the pointers.  I have rolled my own using that HUD text example, it's working well so I'm not going to mess with it. I didn't read closely enough that the normalized scale was based on the height only so that tripped me up for a bit.. once I realized that it went quickly.


    Thanks for your help.

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