Hello, My company is using rv/rvio with shotgun. There is built in functionality to allow you to make annotations and submit a note with the individual frames that have been annotated. However it is far more useful I find (as I was able to do in previous companies) to have rv render out the full seq framerange, within which there would be the annotated frames.
So I guess my question is: What would the best approach be to render out the full frame range from rv, with annotations included for some frames?
Ultimately I want to upload this to shotgun for the shot in question, as a distinct daily(version), ie a review type daily(version), however I feel the first bit is prob the hardest, namely, getting dirty with a bit of python and rendering out the full frame range with annotations. Anyhow, I would appreciate even a nod in the right direction as to where to look in the docs, thanks in advance