Export from RV player Error


I've been trying to expport the image sequence from RV player but having errors like this:


ERROR: TwkMovie: No plugins support (write) format:

ERROR: cannot find a way to write

 Any ideas?




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    (Michael) Kessler

    Hi John,


    Thanks for writing in!  When you use your export dialog, what is the file name format you are using?  To export an image sequence, try something like the following when you are setting the frame name:




    If you haven't included the frame sequence placeholder, you might not be writing out all your frames to different files, and the error you have posted could be from RV not knowing what image type to write out.  Did you make sure to include the image extension (such as jpg, exr etc) and if you did, what image format are you trying to write out?




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    John Woody

    Hiu Kessler

    Thanks a lot for replying, I did in the end went to documentation and yes used the same file padding as nuke and did manage to output image sequence, however i didnt' have any luck exporting a movie file, either .mov or mp4. 

    what's your thoughts?


    Thanks again,


  • 0
    (Michael) Kessler

    Odd, do you get the same error when exporting to .mov or .mp4?


    What OS are you running, and if you don't mind, can you try File>Export>Image Attributes and posting all the info you feel comfortable adding on here?  If the format isn't able to be written out in the container you've chosen it might prevent exporting, but I'd expect a different error.




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    John Woody

    Thanks again, I just tryied again to introduce the error to post but strangely it exported this time, not sure what was the reason but it didn't export annotations with .mov. what is the best practice to include annotations with export? also off topic but how would you go about having one annotation extend to multiple frames instead of one frame? 


    thanks Kessler



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    John Woody

    Ok another issue, exporting an image sequuence but now it hangs at 46.3% and doing nothing, this happened second time now.

    As for the OS i am on Windows 10.



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    (Michael) Kessler

    Hi John,


    Annotations do not support multi-frame holds in RV; you are not alone, though this is a common feature request.


    As far as exporting with annotations, what export command did you use?  Export Quicktime Movie or Image Sequence should respect the annotations, but export Current source frame shouldn't include the graph which includes annotations.


    When your exporting a squence and it hangs, do you have any messages or errors in the Window>Console within RV?



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    John Woody

    Hi Kessler

    Sorry for delayed responce. I see, hopw multi-frame annotation holds will be impremented soon, that'll be such a usefull feature.

    I did manage to expot with annotations with image sequence command no luck with the quicktime to do the same, havn't seen any messages but i think it's ok as long as i can axport with image sequence.


    Thanks again.


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