Best practice for Asset's attribute creation on a Asset's Type basis?

Hello there, I've been struggling finding a proper way to decorate an Asset with Attributes according to its Asset's Type.

Browsing  through given templates seems like the best practice to handle Assets, is using a generic entity, ‘Asset’, whose field ‘Type’ determines which specific element of a production (Animation, Camera, Model, etc)  such Asset represents.

Now, Assets do require custom attributes specific to their own type: ‘start_frame’ is good for an Animation Asset while ‘camera_aperture’ is only good for a Camera Asset.
But creating a custom field on an Entity it will affects all items of such Entity: if a new field called ‘start_frame’ is added to ‘Asset’ such field will appear on ALL Assets regardless of the content of its field ‘Type’

How do I solve this problem?

  1. Should all required attributes for all types are to be created for all Assets?
  2. Can a single item be customize with its own set of metadata?
  3. Should be created as many entities as the types required (instead of only one [Asset] as shown in tv-series-template)?

Looking forward to your reply, thanks a lot and best regards,



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    Mason Official comment

    Hey Stefano, 

    With the brief info above, I'd probably recommend splitting out each type into different entities, rather than grouping them all under 'assets'. For example you might use a custom entity to track your Camera, then link that to your Shots, so the data makes sense. You can find more about custom entities, here: 

    - Enabling a Custom Entity

    - Linking a Custom entity

    Enabling and linking entities is what I would call advanced use of Shotgun, so if you need help at any stage, feel free to drop us a line: support@shotgunsoftware.com. We're more than happy to dive in and help you customise Shotgun to your workflow. 



  • 0
    Stefano Villa

    Tanks a lot Mason, it's all clear now,

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