Running Shotgun internally

Two things I am looking for,

1) what are the system requirements for running Shotgun (not Desktop)?
2) is shotgun available as a self-hosted app?



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    Mason Official comment

    Hey Landon, 

    > 1) what are the system requirements for running Shotgun (not Desktop)?

    No real requirements in terms of hardware, Shotgun is a web app, so all you need is an up-to-date browser (we prefer Firefox or Chrome) and internet connectivity. 

    > 2) is shotgun available as a self-hosted app?

    In most cases, we'd nudge you towards using Shotgun in the cloud. We have a dedicated team to make sure it's a secure solution that can perform in a production environment. We also take care of a lot of valuable things for you: backups, a failover solution, performance monitoring, storage, the hardware, encryption and keeping it all in a secure environment that is audited and tested continually.

    So saying, we know sometimes it's a deal breaker to be on the cloud, so we do have a specialised enterprise team that may be able to provide you with a local install. If you'd like to discuss in detail, feel free to email us at support@shotgunsoftware.com.



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    Landon Bradshaw

    Thank you for that information. I'll get in touch with Support.

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