python 3 support in shotgun api

Hey - it would be really good to be able to timetable python 3 support.  vfx reference platform is suggesting tech preview releases this year


we've got a few reasons to want to get on python 3 (pyside2 for example) .   thoughts?

happy to test previews etc



1 comment

  • 0
    M Jeffrey

    Hi there,

    At our young studio, we are building up pipeline management with Shotgun, and much of what we do (aside from Shotgun) requires Python 3 (currently 3.7).

    We'd like to second this request from the original post to the Autodesk/ Shotgun support team .

    At the very least, a timetable estimate for when a beta version of Py3 API support for Shotgun could become testable would really help us plan.

    Thank you!

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