EDL cuts - how to do it

HI, I am a brand new soul in the Shotgun environment. I've been diving into adjusting my studio workflow from Ftrack to Shotgun and was very happy when I saw there is an option to use EDL and MOV combo to create cuts and assign them later on to basic shots. Great starting point for me to lay the landscape for the project. 
The problem is that I cannot find any way to do it. I have RV64 installed, it is connected to Shotgun. I've read the article on support regarding EDL and CUTS, the problem is that there is no SG Review > Import Cut  option in RV.  There is No SG Review. Instead of that I've got Shotgun menu, but nothing there about importing cuts. 

Any help getting things rolling. I'm out of ideas. 
Thanks in advance




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    Brandon Foster

    Hi Pawel,

    Thanks for your post, and sorry for the confusion! SG Review is a package that needs to be enabled first within RV. Click the RV menu > Preferences. In Preferences, select the Packages tab. Scroll down until you find SG Review then click the "Load" checkbox next to it. Relaunch RV and you should see the menu appear.

    Let me know how that works for you, and if you need additional support don't hesitate to reach out to us directly at support@shotgunsoftware.com.

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    Pawel Krzeminski

    Thanks Brandon, it works great. Playing with next steps now. Cheers. 

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    Pawel Krzeminski

    Another a bit related question - is there an automatic way of creating thumbnails for the shots based on the frames from the EDL Cut ?

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    Brandon Foster

    If you're producing Versions linked to your Shots, you can enable Smart Thumbnails to have them automatically display the thumbnail of the latest Version linked to it. Is that the behavior you're looking for?

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    Pawel Krzeminski

    That I understand ( at least I think I do ). What I was going for is a way of creating thumbnails of shots when you create shots by importing EDL and MOV. Since the shots are new, there are no versions in the shots to take thumbnail from. Right now I do it by hand. Can't find a way to do it automatically. Is there a way to make a part of the ingested MOV with EDL a first version of each shot ? 

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    Brandon Foster

    Ahh, I see what you mean. The Import Cut app doesn't have that sort of functionality, but you could modify the logic of your query thumbnail to grab the thumbnail of the Shot's Sequence if there are no Versions linked to the Shot directly. It wouldn't be smart enough to show a thumbnail of the frame range for the Shot, so you'd see the whole Cut Version repeated for every Shot until you started getting Versions linked to the Shot itself. The added condition you'd add to the query would be an ANY "Link > Sequence > Shot includes Current Shot."

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