tk-multi-workfiles2 [Sequence Entity]


I recently add a new tab to tk-multi-workfiles2 opener in maya, I add a sequence entity as third tab  in orde to display 
Sequence - task (pipeline step) - task (name)
It works well in the first area, but in the second that display work and publish files, I get an error 
// Error: Shotgun tk-multi-workfiles2: Engine tk-maya cannot initialize - the pick environment hook was not able to return an environment to use, given the context TestTask, Sequence TestSequence. Usually this is because the context contains insufficient information for an environment to be determined. //

The question is, what files I need to modify in order to display or create work and publish files.
I already create a sequences task paths in temeplates.yml file

Thanks in advice

Fidel Moreno


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