Discuss the Shotgun API and Developer type techy stuff

sg_last_version field Alexey Sadrutdinov 2 comments 0 votes None
query various values/names Dan Babcock 0 comments 0 votes None
Connected SG queries Robin Graham 1 comment 0 votes None
Removing uploaded media John Vanderbeck 1 comment 0 votes None
Where is the documentation for group fields? Mads Hagbarth 1 comment 0 votes None
Where can i get a list of grouping fields? Mads Hagbarth 1 comment 0 votes None
Getting project name without fields. Mads Hagbarth 1 comment 0 votes None
Link user to project Alexey Sadrutdinov 3 comments 0 votes None
Creating a page or filtering an existing page from the API? Tom Stratton 4 comments 0 votes None
How to connect an attachment to a Version (as Uploaded Movie)? Andreas Ekoutsidis 3 comments 0 votes None
How do I (efficiently) sort a find() ? Chris Rogers 1 comment 0 votes None
Linked fields through a multi-entity Mike Boers 0 comments 1 vote None
Downloading status icons for use in external tools Scott Ballard 4 comments 2 votes None
user creation through the API Christian Korneck 1 comment 0 votes None
Firefox custom search engine and shotgun Cathy Blanco 2 comments 1 vote None
task_assignees Filter not working :-( Manley Gage 2 comments 0 votes None
Shotgun API multithreading Roman Ignatov 3 comments 0 votes None
Get list of Shots on a Page? Manley Gage 0 comments 0 votes None
return value for Summarize field... david williams 0 comments 0 votes None
Shotgun 4.0 Apps : Do we get API access? Mayur Patel 0 comments 2 votes None
Adding an info column R D 0 comments 0 votes None
Complex queries in API Andrew Dennis 0 comments 5 votes None
Logical OR in sg.find ? Jake Richards 2 comments 0 votes None
What is the safest way to handle a time out? katisss 0 comments 1 vote None
Updating multi_entity fields Ciaran 0 comments 1 vote None
Rollback or arbitrary undo capability? Cathy Blanco 0 comments 1 vote None
batching/speeding up queries? katisss 0 comments 0 votes None
batching/speeding up queries? katisss 0 comments 0 votes None
Getting Thumbnail Attachment for a Shot Christian Lett 1 comment 0 votes None
Getting one EventLogEntry for each Tasks Seank 1 comment 0 votes None