Customize the new Project Overview

We've been hearing some feedback from clients that they'd like to customize the new Project Overview to include information that they used to have on their pre-5.1 Project Overview pages. Some examples of what clients would like to add to the new Project Overview are:

  • A reference tab for all reference on the Project
  • Recording sessions of meetings (inc. cineSync)
  • Sequences
  • Latest Versions tab
  • More options to filter the Activity Stream, eg. display only Asset updates
  • Ability to add graph or other kinds of widgets
  • Ability to pin specific Notes on the Activity Stream so they always appear at the top
  • A designated area for Project Spec Notes, related to the feature above.

Please add your support to this request if you'd like to be able to customize the Project Overview page.


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    Brandon Foster Official comment

    Hi Folks,

    Thanks for all your input and feedback on the Project Overview page. Last year Ben noted that a revision to the Project Overview was currently "Not Planned", however we still wanted to provide some flexibility with regard to how you land in your Projects.

    Starting in Shotgun 7.0.3, you can now move, or remove, the Project Overview from your Project Navigation and place a different page at the leftmost position. This page will become the new "Project Landing" page whenever someone clicks a Project link. Want users to see your Shots page first thing? Do it! Want a Canvas page to greet people? Now you can (called the "Project Details" brick in the Project Navigation config screen). You can read more about it in the updated Project Navigation documentation.

    We hope this provides you with some additional options for organizing your Projects while we continue to brainstorm on the future of the Project Overview page.

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    Frank Rueter

    Yes, I'd like that very much

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    Armando Ricalde

    This is a must for us

    There is so much wasted spaced between the Activity Stream and the right information column. Maybe the option to add a third configurable column in the middle. Ability to add tabs would be great

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    Permanently deleted user

    Yes, that would be incredibly helpful. I particularly find the widgets used in canvas pages very useful for showing condensed information so would be great if we could add them somewhere for the overview page.

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    Alexey Borzykh

    It would be nice to have settings for the each tab of what to show in the stream. For example, we'd like to turn off status changes in the main project activity stream as they are making a mess along with all the versions and notes. (see pic for details)

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    Henry Weickert

    +1 for customizing the Project Overview page and it's tabs. :)

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    Silliman, Guy

    Being able to filter out things as "Versions" to not appear on the Activity feed would be very helpful. Thanks!

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    Alexey Borzykh

    ..and it would be nice to have tabs bar NOT going away up off the screen while scrolling down the page content, so we can quickly change our interest between tabs

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    Stephen Lu

    We definitely need this feature.  Our studio currently doesn't implement the asset system in shotgun because we have our own implementation of an asset system so the project overview becomes nothing but notes that may note be relevant to many people seeing the page.  This can also be daunting to artists as none of the information is relevant for them.  It would be great to allow more customization of the project overview as this is the first page artists see when they get to a project.  Having an option to customize it similar to the project details would be very useful.



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    Jesse Lucas

    We're putting quite a bit of information in Shotgun these days and the activity stream on the Overview page has become noisy almost to the point of being useless.  Every published file from the SGTK appears on the Overview.  Often these are just auxiliary files in different formats, or data files for which there is no reviewable.  We would really like the ability to set up filters on this page in the same way you can configure filters on the Versions tab of Shots, Assets, etc.  Our project leads request this constantly.

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    Cat Counsell

    This would be a huge help for us to centralize all important information at the Overview level and have control over what that would comprise of, from project to project.  Currently, I don't think anyone is really using the Overview page because it doesn't really display anything that we can't see more clearly elsewhere.  Ideally, if we could create our own template Overview page, while still retaining the ability to alter what we can see based on what makes sense to each project, could turn the Overview from something that is currently overlooked into a really valuable tool.


    +1 indeed! :D

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    Tram Le-Jones


    We'd love for this to happen!  In the meanwhile, it would be good to be able to point the Project landing page to a different page w/in the project, instead of the Overview page until we can get that page customized.  As far as what we'd like to see customized on the Overview page, our first priority would be to have the ability to filter what shows up there.  Secondly, adding/moving/removing widgets would be next.  It would be really valuable to us :)

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    Tony Barbieri

    +1 For us as well.

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    +1 for Phosphene FX  - We would love to put project specs and important team/project info in the Overview page.  Just a simple text box would work, it does not have to be over thought but would like to be able to control the lines and put bullet points.  I was unable to use the workaround of attaching a file due to an error ( reported). 

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    Janis Robertson

    Definitely agree on this! There is a lot of wasted space that could be used to cleanly and simply present important info on the project. The Activity Stream is useless to us -- there are very few people on a project that would care to see all the notes entered into shotgun. 

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    Yoshiyuki Watanabe

    Feedback from Japanese users.


    1. Please support an option to filter specific info.
        Example: They want to filter API feeds.

    2. Please support a layout to show multiple upload for the version in one pane.
        Example image is attached. 
        If you upload multiple data for the version, then they want to see it as a group in one pane.upload_overview.jpg

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    Marc Dubrois

    +1 for Fix Studio

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    Joseph Yu

    +1 for Outpost VFX

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    Olu Ogunrinu


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    Adam Harrison

    +1 for Goldtooth Creative Agency - we'd like to not only be able to filter the Overview feed but also customize the display to include widgets, etc. Something like the 'design page' button would be amazing!

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    Ben Hadden

    Hey everyone,

    Ben from Shotgun here. We definitely hear you on this one. The Project Overview is often the first thing someone sees when entering a project, and so it makes total sense that you'd like to curate the information that shows up there. v1 of the Project Overview was meant to offer a window in to the work happening in a project, and for some studios, we've heard that this is the page artists keep open on their screens to follow along with recent versions coming through the pipeline. However, we've also heard that things show up that either aren't important or aren't meant to see in a "stream" context. As part of a series of other redesigns happening, it's likely we'll touch the Project Overview. When we do, I'll be sure to update this group. In the short term, we don't have plans to add customization as a feature to the existing Project Overview, so I'm going to mark this "Not Planned" for now.

    Question for the group: in the short term, would it be helpful if we allowed you to remove the Project Overview from the Project Nav, similar to how you can with the Media app?

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    Juanmaria Garcia

    Yes it would be useful, and +1 to remove Activity streams from other pages.

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    Maxim Doucet

    another +1 for Fix Studio!

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    Tim Mulvihill

    having the ability to remove the page from the project would be grand, either that or having the ability to customize with a design button option (which doesn't sound like it will happen).

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    Trisha Roston

    Yes, I agree it would be great to be able to remove the Project Overview since we can't customize at this time.

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    Lu Liu

    +10086 for China

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    Another client use case for customization - Versions currently show the 'Created By' field in the overview stream, but in some cases they are created by a script, so it would be useful to be able to change what field is displayed (to 'Artist' in this example).

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    Blaise Jarrett

    +1 from Zoic Studio's. We put a ton of information in shotgun and the activity stream gets quite bloated with information that's usually not relevant to the type of users who need it. Being able to apply filters to the activity stream would be very helpful.

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    Sebastien Moreau

    Can't believe I have to "vote" to add this

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    J'aimee Skippon-Volke

    I'd like to add to the requests for filtering of what we see on that activity log, no need for minor changes like changes in task status's etc. 

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