Mask Performance Drops

Whenever I enable the mask when viewing left and right (stereo) images the fps automatically drops 5-10fps. It can be with nearly any file format from exrs to jpgs. Without the mask I easily play 24fps, so it's certainly not a hardware performance issue. This has always been on a Mac, not sure if it happens on windows. Is there anything I can do about this?


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    Jon Morley

    Hi Scott,

    What version of RV are you using? Have you tried with the latest?



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    Scott Willman

    Hi Jon, thanks for the quick response!

    Just upgraded to 6.2.7 to test and the issue persists. What's interesting, is that with no mask looping a cached stereo pair of exrs, it plays at solid 24fps. Switching on the 2.40 mask it immediately drops to 23fps, but then slowly degrades over the next 30 seconds down to 20.5fps. Not sure if that is useful information. 

    My specs on my current system are below, but I have half a dozen newer and faster iMac's that exhibit the same behaviour.

    OSX Yosemite 10.10.5

    iMac 27" 3.5 GHZ i7

    32GM 1600MHz DDR3

    NVIDIA GeForce GTX 780M 4096MB



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    Jon Morley

    Hi Scott.

    That is very useful information. I forgot to ask before, but can you please tell me what kind of media you are viewing and what caching mode you are using? If you do not have caching enabled or you are trying to play outside of the cached media then the playback will certainly be inconsistent. If you are playing only cached media then please follow these next steps:

    What I would like to pursue next is to help you setup a session file that you can share with us that demonstrates your issue. Can you please launch RV from the command line using Terminal.app like so:


    /Applications/RV64.app/Contents/MacOS/RV64 [ smptebars,end=1200,1080p24.movieproc colorchart,end=1200,1080p24.movieproc ]


    Then setup the stereo view you want and the mask and confirm you still see the issue. If you do please save and send me the session file.


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    Scott Willman

    When just playing this session as you've issued I do not see the issue while turning on the mask. 24fps stays pretty much constant. However, here is some interesting debugging information:

    Watching CPU load in the Activity monitor (using bars and color charts as stereo sources):

    - RV runs at about 15% CPU with no mask and 30% with mask in any stereo mode

    - Adding presentation mode CPU is 50% with no mask and 100% with mask

    - Mono (just bars) in presentation mode CPU at 45% with no mask and 70% with mask

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    Scott Willman

    Here's the session file

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    Jon Morley

    Hi Scott,

    I am still curious about what your cache settings are. Can you please send me those? Namely are you using region cache or look-ahead cache? What size is your cache?


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