Let us know what you'd like to see in Shotgun!

Thumbnail View in Query Fields Alex Weiss Morgan 0 comments 1 vote None
Sorting entities by their tasks' due dates Edina Schmidt 0 comments 1 vote None
Additional optional argument to shotgun API sudo_as_login which can choose to retain the script user's permissions Loney Liu 0 comments 1 vote None
Notifications in iOS Review App Astrid Scholte 1 comment 3 votes None
Keep Form Values - support for more context Shayna Duguid 1 comment 5 votes None
Quick Search - is not - option Mason 0 comments 2 votes None
Ability to move / copy projects between Shotgun sites Andrew Lawrence 2 comments 5 votes None
Clean copy/paste of text, bullet lists from other apps Tommy 0 comments 1 vote None
Showcase feature - where Artists can put their hero work for others to see Nephi Sanchez 0 comments 0 votes None
More color options in production insights charts and graphs Tommy 0 comments 12 votes None
Task status list configurable per link entity type Halil Mehmet 2 comments 9 votes None
Audio waveform in the overlay player Satish Goda 0 comments 2 votes None
Resource tracker view for micro scheduling Laura Muro 1 comment 5 votes None
Share Filters Expanded Functionality Brandon Foster 0 comments 1 vote None
Client Review Site - Project Level Security Gareth Moore 0 comments 3 votes None
adding to playlist in activity window Jamie Beard 0 comments 0 votes None
Master playlist Jamie Beard 0 comments 1 vote None
tk-multi-loader2 : browse published by tag Patrick Macdonald 0 comments 0 votes None
Medias in Activity View of a Sequence Kamil Salem 0 comments 0 votes None
Add a frame range option to the client site Jesse Lehrman 0 comments 0 votes None
View All Tasks in Review with editable Status' Michael Oliver 1 comment 1 vote None
Pure HTTP API to access Shotgun data Chris Spears 2 comments 1 vote None
See All Entities linked to a Tag Brandon Foster 0 comments 12 votes None
api methods to update url pages or url widgets Ran Sariel 0 comments 2 votes None
More Filter Options in Shotgun Review (Cut Mode) Armando Ricalde 1 comment 3 votes None
Artists work in dark places Raul Arellano 1 comment 11 votes Completed
Search two or more projects Doug MacMillan 1 comment 2 votes None
WYSIWYG buttons for markup areas Aleks Berland 1 comment 4 votes None
Option to "Like" A Note Shay Franchini 1 comment 3 votes None
Allow Mapping of Linked Fields on Bulk Task Import Tool Mike Brainerd 0 comments 0 votes None