API call for reading image metadata Gates Roberg-Clark 0 comments 2 votes None
RV Audio Failure Dialogue box John RA Benson 1 comment 0 votes None
Ability to increase the font size of the Timeline text Rob Aitchison 1 comment 1 vote None
RV pref files to use the same format Dan Walker 0 comments 2 votes None
EXR header info access regardless of active channel tommy zhu 0 comments 3 votes None
Expose more Color adjustment values in the UI Dugan-c 1 comment 3 votes None
Versions in Screening Room should be draggable Doug MacMillan 3 comments 2 votes None
Support 3+ version numbers for RV packages Robyn Rindge 0 comments 1 vote None
Annotation Tool Improvements Gary Chadwick 6 comments 5 votes None
Slack integration Sean Murphy 3 comments 2 votes None
Keyboard shortcuts for Image->Resolution menu items Dugan-c 1 comment 0 votes None
Add ability to annotate with more complex shapes, onion skin Kirk Chantraine 13 comments 20 votes None
Ability to Customize Forms per Project when creating a new Asset Type Mnikitiuk 1 comment 1 vote None
When linking tasks, suggest tasks from different shots Juanmaria Garcia 2 comments 0 votes None
RV -networkConnect flag should allow for using a default value when none is entered Tram Le-Jones 0 comments 1 vote None
Filter people suggested when entering, by tasks Juanmaria Garcia 1 comment 0 votes None
Mark Annotations like the marked frames but it a different color Johannes Hezer 0 comments 1 vote None
select, transform & copy/past annotations Yannis Boultadakis 3 comments 8 votes None
simple sorting of 'show environment' and 'show bindings' John RA Benson 0 comments 0 votes None
Generate a QImage in memory Gates Roberg-Clark 0 comments 2 votes None
Tiling support for media larger than maximum texture sizes Gates Roberg-Clark 2 comments 0 votes None
Multi-List List Olu Ogunrinu 0 comments 0 votes None
submit tool enhansments Alexey Borzykh 1 comment 3 votes None
Safe frames overlay Jon Stumbke 1 comment 1 vote None
OCIOFileTransform node support in RV Mary Ferrante 0 comments 8 votes None
getting animateable parameters working for all properties John RA Benson 0 comments 0 votes None
tetrahedral interpolation for 3D LUTs Alan Trombla 0 comments 3 votes None
Allow CDL's to be inversed Kevin Wheatley 0 comments 2 votes None
Oculus Rift DK1 & DK2 Support johan romero 1 comment 1 vote None
RVSDI 5.1 Audio support Samuel Nair 2 comments 0 votes Completed